The Effective Communication Series

The impact of good communication skills on individuals' careers, their client relationships and their firm's inner workings is hard to quantify, but undeniable.

Understand the Importance of Good Communication Skills

Personal Development - 1 hour

  • Understand how communication can impact your firm and your career
  • Learn the fundamental challenges of communication
  • Explore the connection between good communication and strong leadership
  • Develop a plan to get better at communication
  • Commit to a course of action
Improve Your Listening Skills

Personal Development - 1 hour

  • Learn to listen well
  • Put away distractions
  • Increase your empathy and practice emotional intelligence
  • Ask questions that will lead to quality information shared
  • Commit to a course of action
Improve Your Speaking Skills

Personal Development - 1 hour

  • Explore how to begin with the end in mind
  • Organize your thoughts and content
  • Get and keep participant attention
  • Tailor your message to your audience
  • Commit to a course of action
Create Deeper Relationships

Personal Development - 1 hour

  • Ask insightful, well-thought-out questions
  • Connect to other people’s emotions
  • Choose an effective communication style for each individual
  • Find your voice in meetings
  • Commit to a course of action
Develop Your Personal Brand

Personal Development - 1 hour

  • Use appropriate humor
  • Incorporate story telling
  • Develop a script for small talk
  • Remember people’s names
  • Make the most of your LinkedIn profile
  • Commit to a course of action
Improve Your Writing Skills

Personal Development - 1 hour

  • Write for your reader
  • Be brief, yet specific
  • Be transparent and convey a specific message
  • Avoid common writing errors
  • Write a business letter, proposal or article for publication
  • Commit to a course of action
Be Proactive in Challenging Situations

Personal Development - 1 hour

  • Give quality constructive feedback
  • Seek the feedback you need to hear
  • Initiate a difficult conversation
  • Commit to a course of action
Avoid the Barriers to Effective Communication

Personal Development - 1 hour

  • Gain focus and minimize distractions
  • Avoid negative body language
  • Mitigate stress
  • Manage your email inbox
  • Commit to a course of action